Lars Johansson – Chairman of the Board of Vinga Securities

In the midst of the epicentre
Lars Johansson is the working chairman of the board for Vinga Securities and has worked in the finance industry for over 30 years, including several years within the Skandia Group.

”I never get bored. No day is the same because our daily lives are affected by the constant development of the world and the market. The finance industry is the optimal area for those who want to be in the midst of societal change’s epicentre,” says Lars Johansson.

Why is it attractive for investors to turn to Vinga Securities?
Vinga Securities offers investment advisory across asset classes, emphasising unlisted fixed-income and equity investments. Our clients are given the opportunity to contribute to the financing of growth companies in exchange for competitive return opportunities. We mostly work with property-related investments, as real estate is a tangible asset that can provide good security for the investor. We have often offered our clients the opportunity to invest in individual companies early before they go public.

Who are your primary customers?
A common denominator is that our clients are individuals who understand how to make money over time. Today, we can offer something for everyone, depending on their ability to invest and the risks they are willing to take. To invest in new issuances, regulations require a minimum investment of 100,000 Euros. Then, there is a secondary market where one can invest smaller amounts in existing listed or unlisted securities. In addition, the client can invest in a diversified high-yield fund with a lower risk level.