Johan Winterås – Senior Fixed Income & Equity Sales at Vinga Securities

What career path led you here?
I’ve worked as an assembler at ABB and then served in the military. In total, I spent almost two years in the service, with conscription in the Airborne Rangers in Karlsborg, K3, and then a year as a professional soldier. After that, I studied Economics in Gothenburg with a focus on finance. I’ve been working at Vinga Securities since 2015.

What do your workdays look like?
Today, I’m a partner and responsible for our office in Stockholm. The workday is very diverse but mainly involves contacting clients and potential investors, informing them about transactions they’ve invested in, and presenting new investment opportunities.

What’s the most exciting aspect of your job?
Meeting entrepreneurs and business owners, both among our investors and issuers. Seeing and listening to how they’ve built their businesses over time is truly fascinating. ”No trees grow directly to the sky” is an expression one of my clients recurrently uses, and it’s just about listening and absorbing.

What challenges do you see in your job?
Primarily, it’s about disseminating information about Vinga Securities and our transactions. Our clients often have a busy agenda and rarely sit around waiting for us to call, so sometimes, it takes time to convey our message or find time for a meeting.

Why do you think one should work at Vinga Securities?
The developmental potential at Vinga is unlimited and depends mainly on yourself. As a group, Vinga is growing rapidly, and we’ll need skilled employees in the coming years.

What do you do when you’re not working?
I stay active and do some training. I used to play bandy and orienteering, but nowadays, I mostly run and do strength training. I’ve recently started practising yoga since my girlfriend is a yoga instructor, but unfortunately, I’ll need to practice a lot before seeing any noticeable results. During the fall, I go hunting, mainly for moose in Dalarna.