Emilie Åkerblom – Legal & Head of Compliance at Vinga Securities

What career path led you here?
I studied the law program in Gothenburg and started working summers and part-time at a bank. Later, I got a job at a bank before finishing my studies and enjoyed working at a place where law wasn’t the main activity but was still crucial for the company. After that, I decided to transition to a different role within a similar industry and applied for compliance at Vinga Securities. The position I applied for might not exist in the same way today, but my role has evolved along with the company.

What do your workdays look like?
They’re quite varied, to say the least. I split my time between several companies within the Vinga group, doing everything from writing reports and assessments to conducting training sessions and checks, as well as developing and updating policies and other documents. My current role involves many aspects of the business, leading to an extensive internal network and often quick decision-making.

What’s the most exciting aspect of your job?
What I enjoy most is the feeling that my work matters for the company and that my decisions are important. Seeing how my position evolves alongside the company’s development is also rewarding. Nothing is static, whether you’re working with law or within an organization dealing with clients and affected by others’ decisions. The unpredictability of each day also has its charm.

What challenges do you see in your job?
Constantly staying updated on all areas and dividing time between several companies whose tasks are enjoyable but sometimes very different.

Why do you think people should work at Vinga Securities?
One should work at Vinga if one wants to grow and make an impact. Vinga provides opportunities for both small and large workplaces; you can be part of a bigger mechanism, yet the workplace isn’t so large that you become anonymous. Your daily contribution will matter and affect other employees and the company. It’s a social workplace where hard work is required when needed, but there’s also plenty of room for fun in between.